fjk's English classes

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In order to successfully contribute to classes




the link (probably install it on your computer system as shown below)



Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, New edition

ISBN: 306800201X

You can get it quickest and easiest through this link (and the delivery is free of charge) - but your parents must be prepared to use their credit card.


Let me now introduce the simple right-click add-on provided by that adds a "Definition" and "Encyclopedia" option to the right-click menu. No matter what website you are visiting, you can instantly check any word's definition and listen to its correct AE pronuciation.

Click Instant word lookup for your browser and then click "Install".

Once the installation has been successfully completed

Select any word

Right-click and select "Dictionary" / "Encyclopedia" in the menu

The definition will be presented in a new browser window

Select the definition and copy it into your document

[Later, just open the browser, navigate to any web page, and follow the steps above.]

English classes