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Language Explanation


What better way to get to the bottom of things than through etymology? After all, the word has within it the Greek "etymos" (true). To the Ancients, language was one of the primary ways they experienced the world about them. So much so, that they even accorded speech the status of a sixth sense. And why not? Words mirrored their values and expressed their most cherished hopes and deepest fears. And by plumbing to the depth of their original meaning, they believed that they would be able to finally reveal the intent of the Gods. In a more contemporary vein, the noted psychologist, Russell Lockhart, wrote of "words as eggs". That's right...eggs. And if we could but crack their shell, we could access their core meaning, and by doing so, gain some basic insights into the human condition. 
This site is not about profound insights or deeper meaning. Not to be taken seriously. Not geared to small-minded scholars, grammatical nit-pickers or academic hairsplitters. Its purpose is neither to get you to stand in awe of words nor to overanalyze them. For as Wordsworth said,"We murder to dissect." We would instead encourage you to have fun with language... as fast and as loose as you can.
Consider yourself no longer under the stern eye of your English teacher and the surveillance of the Syntactical Mafia, ready to gun down a stray comma at the drop of a dangling participle. You are now in a pedant-free zone. Anything goes. 

explanationguide.gifYour reference for information and definition


New words, phrases and meanings constantly come into being. Every week, we publish a short article about a new word or phrase – or a new sense of an old word – on this page to show you what it means, how it's used, and where it came from.


The Internet Dictionary
We're here to educate and entertain you about the lingo used in the online world :^)

NetLingo is an award-winning dictionary of Internet terms. It contains thousands of words and definitions that describe the online world of business, technology, and communication.


The only online dictionary and search engine you need for computer and Internet technology definitions.



Online Dictionaries
There are 6,800 known languages spoken in the 200 countries of the world. 2,261 have writing systems (the others are only spoken) and about 300 are represented by on-line dictionaries as of May 11, 2004. Below are the ones we currently list. New languages and dictionaries are constantly being added to; as a result, we have the widest and deepest set of dictionaries, grammars, and other language resources on the web.


United Kingdom

The UK Parliament


The UK Government

The British Monarchy

The British Monarchy




Political Parties

LP Labour Party

CP Conservative Party

LP Liberal Democrats

GP Green Party of England and Wales

SGP Scottish Green Party

SNP Scottish National Party

SSP Scottish Socialist Party

UKIP United Kingdom Independence Party

UUP Ulster Unionist Party

LP Democratic Unionist Party

SF Sinn Fein

PC Plaid Cymru




Election results


National Statistics Online


Visit Britain

Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




How Stuff Works is exactly what it bills itself to be: your single destination for the answer to how pretty much everything operates--and that means car engines, lock-picking, guide dogs, stun guns, atoms, hardwood floors…get it? If you're feeling a little giddy with the possibilities awaiting you, no need to read any further--just click and go. You won't be able to digest all the secrets in one sitting, so be prepared to devote the rest of your life to absorbing all the behind-the-scenes-of-your-existence intelligence here. Step-by-step, easily comprehended explanations replete with photos and diagrams add to the thrill of discovery.

Educypedia has only one mission: providing people what they really need. It is an information resource about scientific and educational material: electronics, science, engineering, encyclopedia and information technology. All the links are tested with respect to content, no commercial links.

Welcome to HTMLSource. Come in, look around. Don't be overwhelmed by the huge pile of HTML tutorials, each packed with in-depth expert advice, full diagrams and miraculous wit.


The Physical Environment is one of the first, totally online physical geography learning environments. The Physical Environment combines text, images, audio and video programs to deliver the subject matter content. A multimedia online environment requires that you interact with the content in new and different ways. The potential of the World Wide Web to bring remote places to our desktops, and the ability to interlink bits of information, breathes life into physical geography. No longer is one tied to a static image in a book, or the graphics available on a CD-ROM. The interconnectivity of the Web engages us in new ways of learning. Hyperlinked resources lets us stay abreast of the latest developments. The reader can explore in greater depth than ever before the physical world from their desktop.

Online Reading 

Read. Learn. Think. Welcome to This site is here to try to bring real books to people through the Internet. On this site you will find the full and unabridged texts of classic works of English literature.


With an introduction to English Literature
(up to and including the Victorian Age).



This is a website about race, racism and life - as seen through the eyes of the Britkids.

Take a Stand. Lend a Hand.

Stop Bullying Now!

Welcome to the Take a Stand. Lend a Hand. Stop Bullying Now! Campaign web site. Take your time and take a look around. Watch a really neat Webisode in our sometimes funny, sometimes sad, and always entertaining series. Play some cool games. Learn a thing or two about bullying and how to do something about it! Our research and resources will help grown-ups get smart and get involved, too. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Health Resources and Services Administration, and the Maternal and Child Health Bureau created this awesome place for us to go to get the latest scoop on bullying. Without their commitment to reducing and preventing bullying, all this helpful information may not have been so readily available.


Health Professionals Creating Solutions to Alcohol Abuse
We’re the American Medical Association, Office of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse — dedicated to promoting physician action on alcohol and health. This site is for health professionals and others who want to fight alcohol problems...

Click for


shakesglobe.gifShakespeare's Globe is a unique international resource dedicated to the exploration of Shakespeare's work, and the playhouse for which he wrote, through the connected means of education and performance. Together, the Globe Theatre Company, Shakespeare's Globe Exhibition and Globe Education seek to further the experience and international understanding of Shakespeare in performance.

FOLGER Shakespeare Library

Shakespeare educational material

The National Endowment for the Arts presents Shakespeare in American Communities, the largest tour of Shakespeare in American history. Shakespeare in American Communities will bring professional Shakespeare productions and related educational activities to 100 small and mid-sized communities in all 50 states.

Victorian London

If Victorian London is your interest, you'll find that the website is a gold mine, with details about notable people of the era and information about what certain streets and districts were like during the time, and much more.

Charles Dickens

David Perdue's website has information about Dickens's life and work and lists many more sites around London connected to him. It also includes a map of both biographical and fictional sites.

The Common Application is the recommended form of 255 selective US colleges and universities for admission to their undergraduate programs. Many of these institutions use the form exclusively. All give equal consideration to the Common Application and the college's own form. With 255 colleges and universities to choose from and one easy form to fill out, why would you apply any other way?


English classes