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Paper 1: November 10, 2004
Paper 2: January 19, 2005
Paper 3:
Paper 4:

RPaper One (including correction work)


Do the following tasks:


A   What is the importance of peer pressure in the context of gang culture?

Here I would have liked you to answer in a general way and not to refer to the specific situation as portrayed in the text.

One group is the Charvers.'s more important to stay cool in their group rather than pass exams.



1  Write a paragraph on reasons people may have for moving to another country. (Include the reasons that the family of “your Britkid” might have had for coming to the UK.)

Reasons for people to emigrate to a foreign country are diverse. One reason could be that the political, economic, humanitarian situation in an emigrant's home country is very unstable, bleak, bad. A lot of people move to an other country because they have heard that there is work there for them. Others left their home country... because they were persecuted. / because there were ... / because of war, economical or human catastrophies, political persecution and the like.

Taz' father moved to England in 1955 because in Pakistan there had been political troubles for a long time. Nathaniel's grandmother (had) hoped that she would get a good job and then could return home.

to emigrate to ..., to immigrate from ... to ..., immigration into ..., to settle in ...; your roots lie in ...; girls are beautiful, boys are handsome.

NOT: ... because of persecution

BUT:  ... because they are persecuted


2  Compare your life with that of “your Britkid”. Work on similarities and differences. In particular, I want you to write about your hassles compared to those of “your Britkid”.
Hassles exist everywhere, whether you belong to a minority or not. This is one thing we share.

English classes